Saturday, March 29, 2014

27 Weeks

Today I am:
 27 Weeks!
 And Mason is now the size of a cucumber.
 And this is what he is looking like in there lately:
These past two weeks have been crazy busy (which explains the not so great belly picture above), so I am doing this post late also.  But we are both doing good.  Mason is growing and I'm feeling him move stronger and stronger each day.  We go for an appt next week with the doctor.  Everything is looking good!  Looking forward to many exciting things coming up!
~"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Psalm 118:29~

Saturday, March 22, 2014

26 Weeks

Today I am officially:
 26 Weeks!!
 And sweet baby Mason is the size of an eggplant.
 And this is what he is looking like in there:
He is growing and moving all around!  
I'm not doing a pregnancy highlight this week because I'm doing this post late.  It was a super stressful week.  My Grandmother decided to stop all chemo for her cancer and hospice was called in.  It has been so emotionally draining.  We've known this day would come for quite sometime, but you can never truly be ready for it.  It breaks my heart, but more than anything, I just pray for peace and comfort for her.  And I want to soak up every single minute of the time we have left together!
We love you so much Grandma!
~"God is able to make all grace abound to you." 2 Corinthians 9:8~

Saturday, March 15, 2014

25 Weeks

Today I am:
 25 Weeks!
 And our little boy is now the size of an Eggplant!
 And this is what he may be looking like in there.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  25 Weeks
Size of Baby:  An Eggplant (9 inches, 1.7 lbs)
Most dramatic development this week:  Uterus is about the size of a soccer ball.  His most active time in the whole pregnancy is for the next three weeks.  Surfactant is starting to form which helps the lungs expand once outside the womb.  
Total weight gain:  9-10lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY!
Movement:  Yes and they are getting much stronger.
Sleep:  Still pretty good!
Cravings:  Anything and Everything!
Sick or queasy:  Just bad smells can make me sick.
Symptoms:  Feeling pretty good
Best moment of the week:  Seeing Mason's room starting to transform into his beautiful nursery.  The furniture was delivered and the painting has begun.  Also finalized the bedding/window tx plans!  So exciting!
Looking forward to:  Seeing his nursery fully painted and furniture in place.
~"God is able to make all grace abound to you." 2 Corinthians 9:8~

Saturday, March 8, 2014

24 Weeks

Today I am:
 6 Months Pregnant...Or 24 Weeks!  Chugging right along!
 And our Mason is now the size of an ear of corn!

And this is what he is looking like in there this week:
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  24 Weeks...6 Months!
Size of Baby:  An ear of corn
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby's weekly weight gain is now about 6oz.  By now, his face is fully formed and he has a good sprinkling of hair on that sweet head.
Total weight gain:  9lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY...Mason William DeYoung
Movement:  Yes and they are getting stronger by the day.  I am now feeling him move and what feels like cut flips instead of just little kicks.  Josh felt some movement (like a wave motion) this week and my mom got to feel him kick and move for the first time!  Loving all this movement.  
Sleep:  Still fairly well
Cravings:  Back to country veggies....and enjoying Juicy Juice still.
Sick or queasy:  Still smells, especially in the morning on an empty stomach.  Been throwing up now about once or twice a week, which isn't to bad I don't think.
Symptoms:  Just reflux which is pretty well controlled with my friend Zantac.
Best moment of the week:  Registering for our sweet boy, starting to talk about Baby showers and finalizing plans for the nursery.
Looking forward to:  Our busy week next week...Painter coming, interior designer coming to finalize bedding/window tx and the furniture will be delivered.  So exciting!
~"Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift."  2 Corinthians 9:15~

Monday, March 3, 2014

Registering For Baby Mason

Today we went and did something that I have been looking forward to for a long, long time!!  We got to register for our sweet little boy!
 It was an exciting day for us...a little overwhelming, but exciting none than less!  I had a doctors appt this morning and everything was looking good.  Mason's heartbeat was strong and my blood pressure and hgb were also good!  After we left the MD office we headed to Babies-R-Us.  I wanted to get there when the doors opened, just so there wasn't a crowd, but with the MD appt, we didn't arrive till around around 11am or so, which was still good enough!  We had to go back to the "registering area" and get all set up.  And yes, I asked the lady to take our picture.  I had to document this special day!
 We got all set and almost ready to get started and she printed this out and handed it to me.  Immediately I felt big alligator tears start to well up.  My name, on a registry for our baby...something that at one point in our lives, never felt like it was going to happen.  And here were was pretty emotional for me.
 So after a few emotional minutes, I managed to dry it up and we hit the floor to get our scan on!  This is what I felt like starting out, and a few times during the adventure.  I'm a little OCD so I made us a list of everything we would need to register for.  Some from lists I found on baby sites, some things were suggestions from friends and/or blogs I've read, etc.  It was long and there was a lot of stuff on there, but I was glad we had it.
 Watch out babies-r-us...He is armed and dangerous!! :)  I let Josh have the scanner and I manned the list.
Right before we started, I was starving.  The yogurt I had eaten that morning had worn off and I needed a little snack.  JD hooked me up with a few treat treats and I was set!
It was a fun and memorable day for sure!  We didn't get everything on the list.  We are about 75% finished.  We decided to stop and come back another day to finish up.  After we left, we went to Monterrey for a late lunch.  We had a tiring, yet wonderful day!!
~"God is able to make all grace abound to you."  2 Corinthians 9:8~

Saturday, March 1, 2014

23 Weeks

Today I am:
 23 Weeks Preggo!
And Baby Mason is growing and moving!  The app I've been using is referring to him as "doll size" now. :) And this is how is looking in there.
This was another milestone week for us!  Last week I felt Mason move for the first time and it was truly amazing.  This week (Sunday morning), however, at 2:30 in the morning, I woke Josh up from a dead sleep to feel the most amazing thing ever...his sweet baby boy moving and kicking!  Josh's face lit up and he said "I felt it!"  It was a priceless moment that I'll never forget!  And the rest of the week he continued to feel him move.  I can tell week by week those little kicks and movements are getting stronger and stronger!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  23 Weeks
Size of baby:  "Doll size"(8+ inches, nearly 1.5lbs)
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby is rapidly putting on fat and by this month's end, baby will double the size he is now.
Total weight gain:  7-8lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY!!
Movement:  Oh YES!!  And I love it!
Sleep:  Good!
Cravings:  Nothing too special.  Just different things on different days.  Still loving country veggies a few times a week.
Sick or queasy:  Smells still getting to me.  Thrown up a few times after eating due to reflux I believe.
Symptoms:  Just heartburn and occasional low back pain.
Best moment of the week:  Josh feeling our precious son moving!!  Precious Moment!
Looking forward to:  Going to register this upcoming week and have a doctors appt.  
~"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise."  Psalm 100:4~