Saturday, February 22, 2014

22 Weeks

Today I am:
22 Weeks!

And this week marks a huge milestone for me.  I finally, without a doubt, felt our sweet boy moving and kicking!  For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling something, but thought it was just gas or my stomach growling.  And then Sunday at church, I leaned over to Josh and said "I think I just felt the baby move."  But it just happened that once, so I still wasn't sure.  But on both Monday and Tuesday night, I for sure felt him move and oh what an experience that was.  The tears were flowing as I felt this precious little life...this miracle that is growing inside of me!  I have been waiting for that moment for a long time and it was so worth the wait.  No one can describe quite what it feels like.  But it's kind of like a thump or someone throwing a pebble from the inside of your belly.  No matter how you describe it, it's truly a miracle, a sweet blessing that I will never grow tired of feeling!  Keep moving and growing my sweet boy!
Mason is now the size of a Papaya.  I had to look this fruit up..wasn't quite sure what it looked like :)

And this is how he is looking these days:

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  22 Weeks
Size of baby:  A Papaya (8 inches, 1.2lbs)
Most dramatic development this week: Lungs are starting to mature and keratin is being added to skin cells to thicken skin as he continues to grow.
Total weight gain:  Around 5-6lbs (by my estimate)
Gender:  It's a BOY
Movement:  YES!!!  What an amazing feeling!!
Sleep:  Still pretty good!
Cravings:  Still Juicy Juice and I've been leaving townhouse crackers beside the below.
Sick or queasy:  I've had a few mornings where I've woken up feeling sick and thrown up once.  I think it was truly morning sickness and from going too long without eating.  So that's why the crackers are on standby beside the bed :)
Symptoms:  Reflux of course, and I have also developed a sharp pain in my very low back.  It happens when I move or bend a certain way.  I started wearing a belly band at work this week to see if that helps.  Also been using a heating pad when I get home from work.  It seems to help some.  And going for a massage asap!
Best moment of the week:  By far the best moment of the week and the pregnancy thus far was feeling Mason move for the first few times!  It was a special moment that I will cherish forever!
Looking forward to:  Josh feeling him move :)
~"...Marvelous are Thy works..." Psalm 139:14~

Saturday, February 15, 2014

21 Weeks

Today I am:
 21 Weeks...over halfway now!  That is hard to believe.  In some ways it feels like I have been pregnant for a while and in other ways it seems to be passing by so fast!
 And our little man is growing and growing!!  He is now the size of spaghetti squash!
 And this is what he is looking like in there:

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  21 weeks
Size of baby:  A spaghetti squash (8inches, 1lb)
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby now weighs a full pound!!  And a new found sense of touch is making life more interesting in there for our little guy.  Baby can also perceive light when when it shines on my belly.
Total weight gain:  About 5lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY
Movement:  Maybe a few flutters, but still not sure.
Sleep:  Pretty good
Cravings:  I've been on a Juicy Juice kick.  I'm loving that right now.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  Definitely stinky smells, which normally do not bother me (I mean, I'm a nurse).  But here lately, they have been getting to me, especially if I have just eaten, or if I have an empty stomach, like in the morning.  This week I made Josh some tuna helper for work.  When he came home, he put the empty (and stinky) food container in the sink.  I opened that baby, and whoa, I almost didn't make it to the bathroom.  So from now on, they will either stay in the sink, or be thrown away.  But other than that, very minimal n/v.
Symptoms:  Still having reflux, but the Zantac is definitely helping.  And a little low back pain.
Best moment of the week:  Valentines Day!!  Josh and I went on a date to eat at Logan's and then he took me (and Mason) to one of my favorite places...The Chocolate cupcakes ever!  We also went and looked at baby furniture which was fun!
Looking forward to:  Meeting with Lecroy Interiors and planning Mason's nursery!
~"If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it."  John 14:14~

Saturday, February 8, 2014

20 Weeks

Today I am:
 5 Months or 20 weeks...I'm Halfway there!!
 And little Mason has graduated from the size of a Mango to a yummy Banana!  He's growing fast!
 And here is what he is looking like, appearing a bit more comfortable than last week. :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  20 Weeks
Size of baby:  A banana (7in, 11oz)
Most dramatic development this week:    Taste buds are now formed and developed enough to be able to taste the foods I eat in the amniotic fluid.  He gulps several oz per day for hydration, nutrition and to practice swallowing and digestion.  And when baby isn't doing all of that, he is sleeping for up to 14 hours per day.  Already taking after his Mommy :)  
Total weight gain:  4.8 lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY
Movement:  Not really sure.  Will occasionally feel something similar to a gas bubble or like my stomach is getting ready to growl, but when it happens, I feel like I do have gas or I'm hungry.  So I'm not really sure yet.
Sleep:  Good, thanks to my friend, the "Snoogle."  Josh feels like he is sleeping with a large boa constrictor or something, but it sure is wonderful.
Cravings:  Nothing in particular, just enjoying food in general.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  Still bad smells, especially on a full stomach.
And that pretty much sums it up..haha!  This made me laugh.  Zantac is my friend.
Best moment of the week:  By far it was our Anatomy U/S.  Seeing our little one and hearing his little heart beat never ceases to amaze me.  It brings me to tears every time.  And Mason William got a good report.  Everything looked great.  His brain and bones were measuring appropriately and all his organs seem to be functioning properly!  Thank you God for this amazing "healthy" miracle!
Looking forward to:  Nursery planning and possibility for more snow!
~"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6~

Saturday, February 1, 2014

19 Weeks

Today I am:
 19 Weeks...Almost halfway there!
 Our little man is growing more and more every week.  He is still the size of a mango like last week, but a little bigger and longer a big Mango :)
And this is what he may be looking like this week.  Hopefully not so  He looks like he has plenty of room on all of the u/s and is usually stretched out.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  19 weeks
Size of baby:  A large Mango (6.5in, 10oz)
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby is plumping up as new, brown fat gets deposited under the skin.  This will keep the baby warm until birth.
Total weight gain:  Around 4 lbs I believe.  I will know for sure next week at my appt.
Gender:  It's a BOY...Mason William DeYoung!
Movement:  Not really...I have felt a few things a few times that felt like a gas bubble, but nothing definitive.
Sleep:  The "Snoogle" is the best thing ever!  I'm not promising I'll stop sleeping with it after Mason gets here...haha.
Cravings:  Still nothing consistent.  Just different things on different days.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  just bad smells, especially after I've eaten.
Symptoms:  Just reflux...and I can keep it at bay as long as a take my Zantac twice a day.
Best Moment of the week:  Josh and I went to Babies R Us to get a baby shower gift and we browsed the stoller/carseat/carrier aisle.  It was fun and made everything very real, very fast.  A nice employee showed us a few things and we even tried a few out.  We actually decided on one while we were there, so it was quite productive and fun starting to look at that stuff...for our son...yeah my heart is smiling!  Also, people are calling Mason by his name now and asking how he is that!  And a few have even wanted to rub my little bump. :)
Looking forward to:  The anatomy u/s and seeing our sweet boy!!
~"He has made everything beautiful in its time."  Ecclesiastes 3:11~