Saturday, February 15, 2014

21 Weeks

Today I am:
 21 Weeks...over halfway now!  That is hard to believe.  In some ways it feels like I have been pregnant for a while and in other ways it seems to be passing by so fast!
 And our little man is growing and growing!!  He is now the size of spaghetti squash!
 And this is what he is looking like in there:

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  21 weeks
Size of baby:  A spaghetti squash (8inches, 1lb)
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby now weighs a full pound!!  And a new found sense of touch is making life more interesting in there for our little guy.  Baby can also perceive light when when it shines on my belly.
Total weight gain:  About 5lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY
Movement:  Maybe a few flutters, but still not sure.
Sleep:  Pretty good
Cravings:  I've been on a Juicy Juice kick.  I'm loving that right now.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  Definitely stinky smells, which normally do not bother me (I mean, I'm a nurse).  But here lately, they have been getting to me, especially if I have just eaten, or if I have an empty stomach, like in the morning.  This week I made Josh some tuna helper for work.  When he came home, he put the empty (and stinky) food container in the sink.  I opened that baby, and whoa, I almost didn't make it to the bathroom.  So from now on, they will either stay in the sink, or be thrown away.  But other than that, very minimal n/v.
Symptoms:  Still having reflux, but the Zantac is definitely helping.  And a little low back pain.
Best moment of the week:  Valentines Day!!  Josh and I went on a date to eat at Logan's and then he took me (and Mason) to one of my favorite places...The Chocolate cupcakes ever!  We also went and looked at baby furniture which was fun!
Looking forward to:  Meeting with Lecroy Interiors and planning Mason's nursery!
~"If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it."  John 14:14~

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