Saturday, February 8, 2014

20 Weeks

Today I am:
 5 Months or 20 weeks...I'm Halfway there!!
 And little Mason has graduated from the size of a Mango to a yummy Banana!  He's growing fast!
 And here is what he is looking like, appearing a bit more comfortable than last week. :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  20 Weeks
Size of baby:  A banana (7in, 11oz)
Most dramatic development this week:    Taste buds are now formed and developed enough to be able to taste the foods I eat in the amniotic fluid.  He gulps several oz per day for hydration, nutrition and to practice swallowing and digestion.  And when baby isn't doing all of that, he is sleeping for up to 14 hours per day.  Already taking after his Mommy :)  
Total weight gain:  4.8 lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY
Movement:  Not really sure.  Will occasionally feel something similar to a gas bubble or like my stomach is getting ready to growl, but when it happens, I feel like I do have gas or I'm hungry.  So I'm not really sure yet.
Sleep:  Good, thanks to my friend, the "Snoogle."  Josh feels like he is sleeping with a large boa constrictor or something, but it sure is wonderful.
Cravings:  Nothing in particular, just enjoying food in general.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  Still bad smells, especially on a full stomach.
And that pretty much sums it up..haha!  This made me laugh.  Zantac is my friend.
Best moment of the week:  By far it was our Anatomy U/S.  Seeing our little one and hearing his little heart beat never ceases to amaze me.  It brings me to tears every time.  And Mason William got a good report.  Everything looked great.  His brain and bones were measuring appropriately and all his organs seem to be functioning properly!  Thank you God for this amazing "healthy" miracle!
Looking forward to:  Nursery planning and possibility for more snow!
~"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6~

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