Today I am:
19 Weeks...Almost halfway there!
Our little man is growing more and more every week. He is still the size of a mango like last week, but a little bigger and longer a big Mango :)
And this is what he may be looking like this week. Hopefully not so He looks like he has plenty of room on all of the u/s and is usually stretched out.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: A large Mango (6.5in, 10oz)
Most dramatic development this week: Baby is plumping up as new, brown fat gets deposited under the skin. This will keep the baby warm until birth.
Total weight gain: Around 4 lbs I believe. I will know for sure next week at my appt.
Gender: It's a BOY...Mason William DeYoung!
Movement: Not really...I have felt a few things a few times that felt like a gas bubble, but nothing definitive.
Sleep: The "Snoogle" is the best thing ever! I'm not promising I'll stop sleeping with it after Mason gets here...haha.
Cravings: Still nothing consistent. Just different things on different days.
Anything making you sick or queasy: just bad smells, especially after I've eaten.
Symptoms: Just reflux...and I can keep it at bay as long as a take my Zantac twice a day.
Best Moment of the week: Josh and I went to Babies R Us to get a baby shower gift and we browsed the stoller/carseat/carrier aisle. It was fun and made everything very real, very fast. A nice employee showed us a few things and we even tried a few out. We actually decided on one while we were there, so it was quite productive and fun starting to look at that stuff...for our son...yeah my heart is smiling! Also, people are calling Mason by his name now and asking how he is that! And a few have even wanted to rub my little bump. :)
Looking forward to: The anatomy u/s and seeing our sweet boy!!
~"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11~
Yep thats me I love rubbing the baby bump. Yours is so cute! I can not wait for Mason to get here.