Saturday, May 31, 2014

36 Weeks

Today I am:
 36 Weeks!
And we had our final baby shower this evening!  It was a co-gender shower, which was awesome because Josh and all of the men were able to be there!  It was a joy for me to see Josh opening some of little Mason's gifts.  The shower was wonderful!  We had amazing food, fun and fellowship with our family and friends!  Thank you Julie, Katie, Derek, Dustin and Debbie for making this evening so very special!
 Our boy is now the size of head of romaine lettuce.  Around 6lbs and 19inches long.
And looking like this in there:
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  36 weeks
Size of baby:  A head of romaine lettuce (6lbs and 19inches)
Most dramatic development:  Rate of growth slows to store up energy reserves.
Total weight gain:  27lbs
Movement:  He moves so much all throughout the day :)
Cravings:  Back to wanting country veggies...bring on the meat and three
Sick or queasy:  Not really..Yay!
Symptoms:  Lots of swelling all over and slightly elevated b/p which my MD is keeping a close eye on.
Best moment of the week:  Getting his nursery all finished up minus the glider and enjoying our last baby shower.
Looking forward to:  Finishing up the last few things around the house for baby and resting :)
~"God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20~

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