Saturday, April 26, 2014

31 Weeks

Today I am:
 31 Weeks!
Single digit count down now!!  Today, I also had my first baby shower.  It was a family/friends shower given by my Mother, Step-mom-Judy, sister in law, Shelley and by 4 of my best friends:  Amy, Kaci, Amanda and April!  It was such a special time, and I appreciate all that they did to make my day so very special.  We received a lot of great gifts for our little Mason!
 He is now the size of a head of lettuce.
 And this is what he is looking like in there!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  31 Weeks
Size of Baby:  a head of lettuce (18 inches, 3.2 lbs)
Most dramatic development this week:  All five senses are operational.  His eyes can perceive light and ears can distinguish sounds.  He is exploring with all of his new found senses.  Cerebral development is also in high gear.
Total weight gain:  15 lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY!
Movement:  He moves a lot and now we get to watch him move a lot too!  So fun!
Cravings:  Nothing in particular this week.  Ate a lot of good food during our "Babymoon" that must have satisfied those cravings.
Sick or queasy:  Had one morning of "morning sickness" but other than that, not much.
Symptoms:  Still some swelling in lower legs, ankles and feet.
Best moment of the week:  My first Baby shower!!  It was so special!
Looking forward to:  The rest of my showers this weekend and week and our 2nd try at the 3d/4d u/s.
~"If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it."  John 14:14~

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