Saturday, January 11, 2014

16 Weeks

Today I am:
4 Months or 16 weeks pregnant!  Moving right along :)
 Our sweet one is the size of a turnip.  And because I wasn't sure what a turnip looks like (or tastes like), I had to find a picture...
A yummy, or not so yummy TURNIP!  But tasty or not, our baby is growing by leaps and bounds!  The beginning of this past week was very productive for us.  We got the baby's room all cleaned out (minus an ironing board) and started working in the garage.  We got about half of it cleaned and organized.  Organizing is my happy place!!  We still have some work to do, but definitely got a lot done.  On Tuesday, we went to Baby Impressions and had our gender reveal u/s.  It was a precious moment and we were so excited to find out.  Another accomplishment this week, we chose the name.  We have been tossing up lots of names for both genders, but once we knew for sure what it was, we got down to business and agreed on the name!!  And we love it!!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:  16 Weeks
Size of Baby:  A Turnip (Or the size of your palm:  5 inches, 5oz)
Most dramatic developments this week:  Putting on body fat.  This marks the first week that the baby is bigger than the placenta.  The brain is now regulating the heartbeat, which is now beating more regular.  Also, baby is sucking, swallowing and chest is moving up and down, all in preparation for life outside the womb.
Total weight gain:  still about 1 pound
Maternity clothes:  oh yes!
Gender:  We already know :) and will be sharing with everyone on January 24th.
Movement:  Still haven't felt anything yet, but I truly can't wait for that moment.
Sleep:  Not too bad
Cravings:  Different things on different days.  Cashews have been a little snack I have enjoyed this week.
Anything making you sick or queasy:  The day after I wrote my 15 week post about feeling so much better and the n/v subsiding, I threw up twice in one day.  But since Tuesday, I have felt pretty good.  I will occasionally feel nauseated and maybe gag, but haven't thrown up so Yay!
Symptoms:  Groin/inner thigh pain, on the left side.  It has to either be just normal stretching and pulling, common during pregnancy, or I really have pulled a muscle.  It's happened twice now. It gets better with a little Tylenol and a heating pad.  My cold and reflux have gotten better, without meds :)
Best moment of the week:  Finding out our sweet baby's gender on Tuesday at Baby Impressions.
Looking forward to:  Having a few days off with Josh and hopefully finishing cleaning out the garage.

~"From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb.  I will ever praise you." Psalm 71:6~

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