Mason William You are:
~3 Months Old~
September 11, 2014
You had to go to the doctor's office only for shots this time, so you didn't actually see the doctor.
You received 2 vaccinations and only cried for just a minute and then I finished feeding you. You were never overly fussy or had a fever after your shots.
You weigh about 12.5lbs and in a size 1 diaper. We have been wanting to switch from Pampers and try and different brands due to a few "leaks," but we haven't done that yet, so you still wear Pampers.
You wear 0-3 clothes and some 3 months clothes. I love the footed jammies on you. You look absolutely precious in them. Although Daddy thinks your feet are too big for some of them.
You do have very long fingers and toes, but still average, I would say, on your weight and height. We will find out for sure next month at the doctor.
Your eyes look brown from a distance, but are actually bluish/gray when you look up close. We think they will end up being hazel. Your hair is slowly growing back. You have a little at the bottom that you never lost. When you were first born everyone said you looked just like Mommy. As you are getting older, everyone is saying that you look just like Daddy. We think you are a good combination of both. You are such a beautiful baby!

You started sleeping in your crib the day you turned 10 weeks old on 8/20/14. It broke Mommy's heart to not have you by my bed, but we knew that you needed to be in your own space. After reading the book "Moms On Call," we began doing a lot of things differently as far your schedule goes. We begin your night time routine at 8pm-bath, 8:30-last bottle and you are in the bed by 9pm. You were sleeping from 9-5 by the 3rd night of doing the new schedule and now you sleep from 9pm-6/7am. You occasionally wake up around 2-4 and we just give you your pacy and you normally fall right back to sleep. We were swaddling you with one of your aden blankets at first, but have since started using the Halo sleep sacks and love them. You also rarely break out of these.

We lay you in the bed, pleasantly awake, and you normally fall asleep in less than 10 minutes. I have only had to rock you twice since we started the new schedule. You also sleep using a noise maker (the ipad) on a waterfall noise. You move around all night and do "doughnuts" as Daddy calls them in your crib.
You nap pretty good during the day. Right now your biggest naps are in the morning, after your first bottle and in the afternoon between 1-4. We aren't as strict with the nap schedule. Your favorite place to nap is on Mommy and Daddy (or whoever is keeping you.) And that is my favorite place for you to nap. I love napping with you too! We nap on the couch, recliner and in the bed sometimes. It's another one of my most favorite times! You are such a cuddle bug.
You are drinking 4oz bottles during the day and 5oz before bed. You are still only drinking breast milk. Your feeding schedule is:
6am-7am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5:30pm and 8:30pm. We don't always stay right on schedule, but we stick pretty close. I am still exclusively pumping, and it works for us. I try to pump when you're napping or right after you eat, when you are full and happy on the days when it's just me and you. You still get the hiccups occasionally after you eat, but not nearly as much as you did right after you were born. You still spit up some after you eat.
You love bath time. We still bathe you in a small tub (thank you Amy) that we place on the kitchen counter. It makes everything so accessible and easy on the back. You will kick your legs and splash. You are almost always happy when getting a bath.
You are such a happy baby! You are most happy when you first wake up, during your bath and when your belly is full! You smile all the time now. You haven't given us a full laugh yet, but it's just around the corner. You will make this sound like sucking in air sometimes when you smile. You "talk" all the time now. And you have begun to somewhat mimic the noises of others when they talk to you. You love to stretch really big, especially first thing in the morning. I love when you do that.
You are very observant now. You follow things with your eyes and love to look at bright and contrasting colors. You will turn your head all the way to the side and will lean your head back to look up when lying if you hear a noise or something catches your attention.
You have recently found your hands. You love to put them in your mouth and will suck on them. You have occasionally just had your thumb in your mouth, but it's mostly your hand for now.
We have finally found a pacy that you will take...Nuk pacifiers. We were using gum drops and soothies and you just wouldn't keep them in your mouth. We tried these over the last month and you really seem to like them and keep them in. So Mommy went a bought some more :)
Your activities everyday include: reading, tummy time, kicking on your piano gym mat (you kick hard and fast),sitting in your rock a roo and playing/looking at toys.
Tummy Time is not your favorite activity, but this day you actually fell asleep while doing it.
Your most favorite thing of all is:
Swinging on the back porch.
If you are fussy this will calm you like no other. We sing songs and read books while we are out there and you love to look over my shoulder and all around. Then you eventually fall asleep. This is one of our favorite things to do with you too! It's a special time.
You love to ride in the car and really don't mind your car seat. You normally fall asleep when we are riding.
Other things that happened this past month:
-you stayed at all your grandparents houses for a little while
-spent your first night away from home and with your Mimi
-rode in the car with other people
-had your 1st labor day
-watched your first Gamecock football game (well, just a little of it)