My Dad is HOME! He came home this past Wed. 10/12. His double knee replacement was on Tues. 9/27, so he was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I know there is nothing like being at home, in your own bed, and he was so glad to get there. It has been a tough 2 weeks for him, but he is doing great. He will still have to go to therapy a couple of times per week for a while and do some at home therapy. But he is well on his way to recovery! He is up and about using a walker and can stand unassisted too. He is going to be as good as new soon. The picture above was while he was still in rehab. Josh and I took him for a little stroll and he was trying to pop wheelie's. :) We are proud of the progress you have made Dad. Keep up the good work and keep pressing on! We are praying for you and your continued healing! We love you!!
~"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22
So glad to hear he's home now!!