Saturday, June 7, 2014

37 Weeks

It's hard to believe I'm even writing this post, but today I am officially:
 37 Weeks!!  
And this will be my last "belly shot" post!  Because we will be having our sweet boy this Wednesday...yes that's right, in 4 days...Oh My Word!!  I still don't think it has sunk in yet.
My blood pressure has been slightly elevated at my last few appointments but I haven't been having any protein in my urine and no other symptoms besides lots of swelling.  But I truly have a wonderful OB MD and she wanted to check everything out, so she decided to check labs for preeclampsia this past week.  My blood results looked good but my 24 hour urine, we found out Thursday, was elevated.  So, I have mild preeclampsia.  Josh and I went in on Friday to be placed on the monitor.  Little man looked great and we talked with our doctor.  She decided that an induction was the safest plan for the baby and me and we agree.  Even though I really wanted to go into labor on my own, I, more than anything, want to do what is best for Mason and me.  So, we will be going in for an induction on Tuesday night with a medicine called Cervidil and then Wednesday morning, the drug Pitocin will be started.  This is all so bittersweet for me.  Because as much as I am ready to have our precious little boy in my arms, I am also a little sad that he is leaving my belly...his warm little home for the past 37 weeks!  I love being pregnant.  I love feeling him move and for Josh to feel him kicking and squirming and I love having him all to myself!  But I guess it's time to share! And even though this wasn't the way that I had it planned out, I can already see the Lord's hands at work!  Because this baby's expected arrival date of June 11th, is none other than my Papa, William Henderson's birthday, which is who Mason is named after!  What a sweet surprise.  Papa was so surprised and happy when he found out this news! And what an awesome belated bday present for me too!!
Please pray for us this week.  Pray that my body will respond to the medications properly and that everything will go smoothly.  And more than anything, pray that we have a healthy baby boy!!  I have been nervous about this whole thing, which is crazy, because I help women do this all the time, so I know what to expect.  But it's a lot different on this end, as the patient and being a little less in control than normal.  But I know that the Lord is already there and just like He always does, is going to protect us and keep us safe!     "He will cover you with his feathers.  He will shelter you with his wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection."  Psalm 91:4 
We are trusting in His plan, because He's never failed us yet!  Thank you Lord!
 So I officially look like I've swallowed a watermelon!!
 And this is what he is looking like in there:
 Since finding out that Mason would be here sooner than we were expecting, we have been in overdrive!  It's starting to look all things baby in this house.  And oh, how I love it!  Bottles and clothes have been washed, bouncers, rock a roos, pack n plays and bassinets have been built and the car seat is installed.  Josh said that if we get anything else "baby" that we could run a day care :)

 Daddy hard at work building baby stuff!

 Chloe had to try out Mason's new ride...she approves, despite her sticking out her tongue.
 Our glider finally came in and the nursery is now complete.
 Chloe is waiting patiently for her little brother :)
And my very last pregnancy highlights :(
How far along:  37 Weeks
Size of Baby:  A Watermelon (19-22inches, 6.5lbs)
Most dramatic development this week:  Baby has rotated to head down and engaged in to pelvis.  Baby is sleeping more and sucking thumb to prepare for nursing.
Total weight gain:  28lbs
Gender:  It's a BOY!
Movement:  Lots.  While on the monitor Friday morning, I thought he would knock the monitor parts off my belly.  It's so sweet to watch!
Cravings:  Still nothing in particular
Sick or queasy:  No
Symptoms:  Swelling, elevated b/p and protein in urine=mild preeclampsia :(
Best moment of the week:  Getting all of sweet boy's things together and having my first NST (baby on the monitor).
Looking forward to:  Having our baby on Wednesday!!  Next post...will have our son in it!!  Wow!
We are ready and waiting for you sweet Mason!  We can't wait to see your precious face and for you to make this a family of four!  We love you precious boy!!
~"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11~