Today we went and did something that I have been looking forward to for a long, long time!! We got to register for our sweet little boy!
It was an exciting day for us...a little overwhelming, but exciting none than less! I had a doctors appt this morning and everything was looking good. Mason's heartbeat was strong and my blood pressure and hgb were also good! After we left the MD office we headed to Babies-R-Us. I wanted to get there when the doors opened, just so there wasn't a crowd, but with the MD appt, we didn't arrive till around around 11am or so, which was still good enough! We had to go back to the "registering area" and get all set up. And yes, I asked the lady to take our picture. I had to document this special day!
We got all set and almost ready to get started and she printed this out and handed it to me. Immediately I felt big alligator tears start to well up. My name, on a registry for our baby...something that at one point in our lives, never felt like it was going to happen. And here were was pretty emotional for me.
So after a few emotional minutes, I managed to dry it up and we hit the floor to get our scan on! This is what I felt like starting out, and a few times during the adventure. I'm a little OCD so I made us a list of everything we would need to register for. Some from lists I found on baby sites, some things were suggestions from friends and/or blogs I've read, etc. It was long and there was a lot of stuff on there, but I was glad we had it.
Watch out babies-r-us...He is armed and dangerous!! :) I let Josh have the scanner and I manned the list.
Right before we started, I was starving. The yogurt I had eaten that morning had worn off and I needed a little snack. JD hooked me up with a few treat treats and I was set!
It was a fun and memorable day for sure! We didn't get everything on the list. We are about 75% finished. We decided to stop and come back another day to finish up. After we left, we went to Monterrey for a late lunch. We had a tiring, yet wonderful day!!
~"God is able to make all grace abound to you." 2 Corinthians 9:8~