Today I am 14 Weeks!
And our baby is about the size of a naval orange. I didn't get a belly picture this week. It really hasn't changed much since last week, so I just posted a Christmas picture. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas...we sure did! We have so much to be thankful for and have truly received one of the best presents ever! Thank you Lord for this amazing gift!
This is what our sweet one is looking like these days! We are so in love!! He/She is growing and developing so much every day.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 14 Weeks
Size of the Baby: Baby is the size of a naval orange (about 4.5 inches and weighs 2-3oz)
Most dramatic development of the week: Ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. Baby has increased coordination and strength and can now wiggle his/her fingers/toes and even suck its thumb.
Total weight gain: lost one pound
Maternity clothes: Oh yeah :) And I got a lot more for Christmas! Yay!
Gender: Will know very soon..scheduled our appointment at Baby Impressions for the gender reveal U/ excited!
Movement: Not yet, but so looking forward to it!
Sleep: Crazy sleep..but when I do, it's good! I got a "Snoogle" pregnancy pillow from my mom for Christmas and I can't wait to start using it. I often find myself lying flat on my back, so I think the pillow will come in handy later on in my pregnancy to prevent me from doing that.
Cravings: Subway..and I'm not really supposed to have a lot of lunch meat. So I've just had one, or maybe two.
Anything making you sick or queasy: I don't want to get carried away, but I think my n/v is getting better. I set a new record this week and went 3 days w/o throwing up. Time will tell...and we shall see.
Symptoms: Hello reflux. Its gotten a lot worse. Thinking now this has been one of reasons for so much n/v. Tums are not cutting it, so I'm pulling out the big guns and moving on to Zantac. And it does help.
Best moment of the week: Christmas as soon to be Mommy and Daddy. And opening presents for our little sweet!
Looking forward to: I'm so looking forward to feeling the baby move! And I have a regular check up this week, so I'll get to hear the little heartbeat.
~"Every good and perfect gift is from above.." James 1:17~